Cuba - Africa!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Cuba - Africa!

The previously untold story of Cuba's support for African revolutions.
This documentary unravels the story of the so-called Cold War, through the prism of its least known arena: Africa. Against colonialism, capitalism, and communism, the newly independent nations attempted for the first time to gain real control of their own countries. From Che Guevara's military campaign to avenge Lumumba in the Congo, up to the fall of apartheid in South Africa, 300,000 Cubans fought alongside African revolutionaries.

Patrice Lumumba was an African anti-colonial leader, and the first legally elected Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, after he assisted it achieve independence from Belgium in June 1960. Only ten weeks later, Lumumba's government was deposed in a coup. He was subsequently imprisoned and assassinated. President Colonel Mobutu, the key figure in the coup, supported by the Congo's former colonial power, Belgium, and the CIA, became the Congo's ruler. Cuba shared Africa's revolutionary quest for independence.

18"x24" Political Poster. Day of World Solidarity with the Congo, Africa Anti Apartheid. PATRICE LUMUMBA.History Material.Smart Decor   Patrice Lumumba (Panaf Great Lives) 

Part One; Cuba! Africa!

Part Two; Cuba! Africa!


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