Thirty8, Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
This summer, we spent 24 hours in Kuala Lumpur after visiting Thailand, we
came here for fun and then took a flight to Scotland. This is a city we
The Last Lioness
For any of you feeling lonely you may gain inspiration from the documentary
below about a lone lioness. It may sound strange to some but I did. She is
Flying humanoid feb 15th 2010
*Flying Humanoid in Mexico 2010*
The Humanoids - A Survey of Worldwide Reports of Landings of Unconventional
Aerial Objects & Their Alleged Occupants
Billy Meier on 2012
Listen to the transcript of *Billy Meier* and *Ptaah* discussing* 2012*
*Billy Meier - 476th contact, prophecies about the 21st December 2012 *
Hunting the Hidden Dimension
Determined to understand the repeating patterns he was finding in nature,
French mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot used an early form of computer
imagery t...
Air Hijack
Indian Airlines Flight 814 (call sign IC-814) was an Indian Airlines Airbus
A300 en route from Tribhuvan International Airport (Kathmandu, Nepal) to
Alien ship within Cloud - Indonesia
Luminous Cloud Ring Anomaly 2010 Indonesia
Unexplainable activity seems to be occurring within this giant luminous
cloud ring which seems to obscure somet...
The Battle of the Brains
BBC Horizon Documentary
Can you think of 100 different uses for a sock? How would you cope with
glasses that turn everything upside down? What's your emotio...
The Universe - Nebulas
Documentary of the History channel's "The Universe" series, this episode
from season 3 takes a look at the different types of Nebulas. From the
Nebulas whi...
Snake Head Fish Hot and Sour Soup
Gaeng Som Pae Sa Pla Chon - Snake Head Fish hot and Sour Soup
Gaeng Som means sour soup/stew/curry - the word "Gaeng" (แกง) refers to the
act of simmering...
Sirius blanked out on Google sky
If you wished to search for visual evidence of the existence of the Great
White Lodge, the Shining ones, or the 36 around one, then you must look to
Street Avenger
Online Fight Game
[image: street avenger]Game Description:
Lay some smack down on them thugs in the streets. Each level has its bosses
so defeat every level...
Ghandi's 140th Anniversary
This blog is a Buddhism and Dhamma blog - Dhamma does not mean Buddhist.
The Dhamma and the practise of Dhamma can apply to anyone of any Religion.
Michel Cluizel
Only the Connosseur of Chocolate knows of Michel Cluizel - and only the
Connosseur is prepared to pay for it - but he how knows what delights are
hidden ...
Can you think of 100 different uses for a sock? How would you cope with glasses that turn everything upside down? What's your emotional intelligence? Can you create a work of art in ten minutes?
Horizon takes seven people who are some of the highest fliers in their field - a musical prodigy, a quantum physicist, an artist, a dramatist, an RAF fighter pilot, a chess grandmaster and a Wall Street trader. Each is put through a series of tests to discover who is the most intelligent?
The principle way that we measure intelligence, the IQ test, remains popular and convenient. Yet most psychologists agree that it only tells half the story... at most. Where they disagree is how to measure intelligence, for the simple reason that the experts still don't know exactly what it is.
The Story of India is a BBC TV documentary series, written and presented by historian Michael Wood, about the 10,000-year history of the Indian subcontinent in six episodes. It was originally aired on the BBC in six episodes in August and September 2007 as part of the BBC season "India and Pakistan 07", which marked the 60 years independence of India and Pakistan. In the United States, PBS broadcast the series on three Mondays, January 5, 12 and 19, 2009 from 9 to 11 PM. An accompanying text was published by BBC Books.
As in most of his documentaries, Wood explains historical events by travelling to the places where they took place, examining archeological and historical evidence at first hand and interviewing historians and archaeologists, as well as chatting with local people.
Watch Documentary; The Story of India - Beginnings
"Orwell Rolls In His Grave is a well done film that presents the Orwellian notions of "doublespeak," "big brother" and "the endless war" in a contemporary context. Ironically, its message of corporate media control and the loss of free speech in America will never get any exposure". (Ron Kaufman,
Has America entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for truth? The country's leading intellectuals discuss & examine the mix of businesses, politics & ideology that is the mainstream media.
Watch Now; Orwell Rolls in his Grave
Second viewing option
Option 3
In addition to evoking a nightmarish vision of the future, George Orwell's political allegory 1984 introduced a lexicon of sinister catchphrases with which to describe big government gone haywire. Totalitarian states and Fascistic political parties are nicknamed "Big Brother"; censors are referred to as the "Thought Police"; and political double-talk is often derisively referred to as "Newspeak." But filmmaker Robert Kane Pappas contends that Orwell's worst fears have been realized in an even deeper sense. His two-hour think piece argues that Orwell's concern that "Big Brother" would one day be able to revise history on a daily basis, thanks to a monolithic, government-allied media and an apathetic and forgetful public, has come to pass. In Orwell's nightmare, people "could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality" and would be too uninformed about and uninterested in actual events to notice. Pappas poses a number of provocative questions about the current state of the media: Is there an underlying pattern to the stories that make it into print or onto TV and those that get killed? Has the ever-increasing power of media lobbyists and campaign contributors made it easier for the media to create the truth?
Have "official sources" become de facto assignment editors, determining what news is reported? Does the fact that an increasing number of media outlets are owned by fewer conglomerates mean that the public is privy to a limited number of viewpoints on a narrow spectrum of issues? Many of these questions have been posed before, most notably and tirelessly by Noam Chomsky, who literally co-wrote the book (Manufacturing Consent) on the subject. But Pappas gives these important issues up-to-the-minute immediacy by focusing on the way the contentious 2000 presidential election was reported, and how the war in Iraq was pitched and sold. To say that the conclusions of Pappas and his pundits — some of whom are too often drowned out by the unnecessary musical soundtrack — are grim is an understatement. Packed with more information than can possibly be digested in a single viewing, the film will be a bracing eye-opener to anyone who hasn't considered the full implications of recent Congressional debates advocating further media deregulation, debates that, unsurprisingly, have been strikingly underreported by mainstream news outlets.
The previously untold story of Cuba's support for African revolutions.
This documentary unravels the story of the so-called Cold War, through the prism of its least known arena: Africa. Against colonialism, capitalism, and communism, the newly independent nations attempted for the first time to gain real control of their own countries. From Che Guevara's military campaign to avenge Lumumba in the Congo, up to the fall of apartheid in South Africa, 300,000 Cubans fought alongside African revolutionaries.
Patrice Lumumba was an African anti-colonial leader, and the first legally elected Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Congo, after he assisted it achieve independence from Belgium in June 1960. Only ten weeks later, Lumumba's government was deposed in a coup. He was subsequently imprisoned and assassinated. President Colonel Mobutu, the key figure in the coup, supported by the Congo's former colonial power, Belgium, and the CIA, became the Congo's ruler. Cuba shared Africa's revolutionary quest for independence.
The Last Lioness
For any of you feeling lonely you may gain inspiration from the documentary
below about a lone lioness. It may sound strange to some but I did. She is